University Physics with Modern Physics
Hugh D. YoungUniversity Physics with Modern Physics , Thirteenth Edition continues to set the benchmark for clarity and rigor combined with effective teaching and research-based innovation. University Physics is known for its uniquely broad, deep, and thoughtful set of worked examples–key tools for developing both physical understanding and problem-solving skills. The Thirteenth Edition revises all the Examples and Problem-Solving Strategies to be more concise and direct while maintaining the Twelfth Edition's consistent, structured approach and strong focus on modeling as well as math. To help students tackle challenging as well as routine problems, the Thirteenth Edition adds Bridging Problems to each chapter, which pose a difficult, multiconcept problem and provide a skeleton solution guide in the form of questions and hints.
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2011
Editorial Addison-Wesley
Categoría Ciencias
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