The Theory of Clouds
Stéphane AudeguyA kira Kumo, miraculous survivor of Hiroshima, reinvented himself as someone twenty years younger. Now an eccentric couturier and collector of all literature having to do with clouds and meteorology, he hires Virginie, a young librarian, to catalog his library. While she works, he tells her stories of those who have devoted their lives to clouds: the Quaker Luke Howard, contemporary of Napoleon and Goethe, who first classified clouds; the painter Carmichael (based on John Constable), who spent a year painting clouds; and the mysterious Abercrombie, a photographer who cataloged clouds around the world. Virginie’s trip to London in search of the suppressed Abercrombie protocol becomes a quest no less wondrous and strange than Kumo’s own. Sensual, hypnotic, and filled with stories both true and fanciful, The Theory of Clouds is a masterful first novel.
Título original La théorie des nuages
Traductor Timothy Bent
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2007
Editorial Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Categoría Narrativa
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