Stockley's Herbal Medicines Interactions
Varios autoresThis is a professional level major reference work containing information, in A-Z format, on herb-drug, herb-supplement, herb -food and herb-laboratory test interactions; all of which is data referenced. Commercial herbal medicinal products are increasingly consumed on a regular basis by people in the developed world. Often such products are taken concurrently with conventional medicines, frequently without the knowledge of health care professionals. As more evidence has become available, there has been an increasing awareness of the potential and actual problems of interactions, often dangerous, between conventional medicines and herbal medicines.
This proposed new major reference brings together available data on approximately 200 of the most commonly used herbal medicines in highly structured, rigorously scientific monographs. Although our texts on herbal medicines and drug interactions include the major well-known interactions, this text is able to treat the subject in considerably more detail.
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2009
Editorial Pharmaceutical Press
Categoría Salud y Deportes
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