Photography business secrets
Lara WhiteGive your photography business an edge with these professional insights
There are already more than 150,000 professional photographers in the U.S., according to Department of Labor statistics, and thousands of serious amateurs are continually seeking to become established. Whether yours is a new or long-standing photography business, you have plenty of competition. Lara White has collected the best advice from her popular photography business website,, into this guide for your reference. She covers establishing your brand, defining policies, setting prices, creating a marketing plan, networking, and a great deal more.
Photography is a rapidly growing industry, placing both established and beginning photographers in tough competition for business
Author Lara White runs a popular website teaching successful business strategies to photographers; this book collects and organizes valuable information to help newcomers get started and existing businesses grow
Covers business fundamentals including establishing a brand, defining studio policies, setting pricing, creating a marketing plan, understanding your audience, networking, and effective social media marketing
Provides proven tips for building a successful photography business
Photography Business Secrets is packed with advice that can help your photography business succeed and thrive, even in today's economy.
' ideal book to take a look at if you are thinking of becoming, or have recently become, a professional photographer earning money from your work' (ePHOTOzine, April 2013) 'An often taken for granted, but crucial part of becoming a professional photographer. Sound advice, well delivered.' (Digital SLR Photography, July 2013) "Including useful graphics, tables and photos, it's an informative, honest book." (What Digital Camera, January 2014)
From the Back Cover
A successful photography business is 20% photography, 80% business
What sinks so many photo studios? It's not the quality of their work. It's failure to recognize they're running a business. That's why this book is not about planning a shoot, choosing lenses, or using Photoshop. It's the essential, no-nonsense guide to running your photography business.
Lara White has a proven method for getting control of your business so it doesn't control you. Whether you're ready to step up from hobbyist to professional photographer or you're already in business and feeling overwhelmed, this photography course in a book will get you on track.
Learn to:
Choose your niche and your market
Gain experience and build your portfolio
Understand and craft the right photo business plan
Cover critical accounting, legal, and insurance functions
Develop your brand, identify the products you'll provide, and establish pricing
Determine your photography marketing strategy and make sales
Meet and exceed your clients' expectations
Find more resources at to help your photography business succeed
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2013
Editorial Wiley
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