Monsieur ( Inglés)
Emma BeckerFrom their initial online encounter, through a shared appreciation of erotic literature, to the highly explicit and shocking story of their brief relationship, Emma Becker charts the labyrinths of lust of Ellie and 'Monsieur', set against the murky landscape of Facebook, text messages and the Pigalle hotel room in which they meet every Tuesday morning.
Why do we do things we know are wrong? Why do May-to-December romances invariably go wrong? Why does the allure of forbidden sex cloud our judgments? Emma Becker doesn't come up with all the answers, but provides a fascinating and poignant tale, which will turn Monsieur into the new Lolita.
Título original Monsieur
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2011 (2012)
Editorial Arcade Publishing
Categoría Narrativa Contemporánea
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