Los frágiles
Lawrence VogelCritics have charged that Martin Heidegger's account of authenticity is morally nihilistic, that his fundamental ontology is either egocentric or chauvinistic; and many see Heidegger's turn to Nazism in 1933 as following logically from an indifference, and even hostility, to otherness in the premises of his early philosophy. In The Fragile We Ethical Implications of Heidegger's Being and Time Lawrence Vogel presents three interpretations of authentic existence—the existentialist, the historicist, and the cosmopolitan—each of which is a plausible version of the personal ideal depicted in Being and Time. He then draws parallels between these interpretations and three moments in the contemporary liberal-communitarian debate over the relationship of the I and the We. His book contributes both to a diagnosis of what there is about Being and Time that invites moral nihilism and to a sense of how fundamental ontology might be recast so that the other is accorded an appropriate place in an account of human existence. Given the current high level of interest in Heidegger's thought, and given the obscurity not only of Heidegger's texts but of most of bis commentators as well, the lucidity of Vogel's discussion should attract a wide readership. Vogel manager to combine sympathy and sharp criticism in such a way as to achieve something close to an optimum degree of critical distance from bis subject matter. This is extremely rare in the Heidegger literature —David Detmer, Purdue University.
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 1994
Editorial Northwestern University Press
Categoría Filosofía
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