He Who Fears the Wolf
Karin FossumInspector Sejer is hard at work again, investigating the murder of a woman who lived alone in the middle of the woods. The chief suspect is another loner, a schizophrenic recently escaped from a mental institution. The only witness is a twelve-year-old boy, overweight, obsessed with archery, and a resident at a home for delinquents. When a demented man robs a nearby bank and accidentally takes the suspect hostage, the three misfits are drawn into an uneasy alliance. Shrewdly, patiently, as is his way, Inspector Sejer confronts a case where the strangeness of the crime is matched only by the strangeness of the criminals, and where small-town prejudices warp every piece of information he tries to collect.
SerieInspector Konrad Sejer 03
Título original Den som frykter ulvenTraductor Felicity David
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 1997 (2006)
Editorial Mariner Books
Categoría Novela Negra
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