CCNP Route 642-902
Wendell OdomSubtitled: Official Certification Guide
Assess your knowledge with chapter-opening quizzes
Review key concepts with Exam Preparation Tasks
Practice with realistic exam questions on the CD-ROM
CCNP ROUTE 642-902 Official Certification Guide is a best of breed Cisco® exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the CCNP® ROUTE exam. Senior instructor and best-selling author Wendell Odom shares preparation hints and test-taking tips, helping you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual knowledge and hands-on skills. Material is presented in a concise manner, focusing on increasing your understanding and retention of exam topics.
CCNP ROUTE 642-902 Official Certification Guide presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. “Do I Know This Already?” quizzes open each chapter and allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section. Exam topic lists make referencing easy. Chapter-ending Exam Preparation Tasks sections help drill you on key concepts you must know thoroughly.
The companion CD-ROM contains a powerful testing engine that allows you to focus on individual topic areas or take complete, timed exams. The assessment engine also tracks your performance and provides feedback on a module-by-module basis, laying out a complete study plan for review.
This volume is part of the Official Certification Guide Series from Cisco Press. Books in this series provide officially developed exam preparation materials that offer assessment, review, and practice to help Cisco Career Certification candidates identify weaknesses, concentrate their study efforts, and enhance their confidence as exam day nears.
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2010
Editorial Cisco Press
Categoría Informática
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