A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallo
Diana Gabaldon“A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows” is a short story (no, really. It is. Honest! It’s 16,500 words, about). It tells the WWII story of Roger MacKenzie’s parents, Jerry and Dolly — and provides and fills in the answer to one of the small mysteries opened in AN ECHO IN THE BONE. (Though as one astute observer commented, “I bet you filled it in with dirt you dug from another hole!”)
Available for the first time as an exclusive eBook in this original Outlander novella, Diana Gabaldon reveals what really happened to Roger MacKenzie Wakefield’s parents. Orphaned during World War II, Roger believed that his mother died during the London Blitz, and that his father, an RAF pilot, was killed in combat. But in An Echo in the Bone, Roger discovers that this may not be the whole story. Now, in “A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows,” readers finally learn the truth.
SerieOutlander - Short story
Título original A Leaf on the Wind of All HalloIdioma Inglés
Publicación 2012
Editorial Dell
Categoría Novela Romántica
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