66º North
Michael RidpathIceland 1934: Two boys playing in the lava fields that surround their isolated farmsteads see something they shouldn't have. The consequences will haunt them and their families for generations. Iceland 2009: the credit crunch bites. The currency has been devalued, banks nationalised, savings annihilated, lives ruined. Grassroots revolution is in the air, as is the feeling that someone ought to pay ...ought to pay the blood price. And in a country with just 300,000 souls, in a country where everyone knows everybody, it isn't hard to draw up a list of exactly who is responsible. And then, one-by-one to cross them off. Iceland 2010: As bankers and politicians start to die, at home and abroad, it is up to Magnus Jonson to unravel the web of conspirators before they strike again. But while Magnus investigates the crimes of the present, the crimes of the past are catching up with him.
SerieFire and Ice 02
Idioma InglésPublicación 2011
Editorial Atlantic Books
Categoría Novela Negra
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