1,001 Things You Didn't Know You Wanted to Know
Anna MantzarisTrivia buffs of the world—this is your book! It’s crammed with 1,001 tidbits of information in such categories as Food & Drink, Television, Art, Business, Health, Religion, and many others. For example, did you know that every strawberry contains over 200 seeds? That the first organized labor strike in the U.S. occurred in Philadelphia in 1786, when local printers demanded higher wages? Or that Jack London was the first novelist to earn one million dollars from his writing? Highlighted with maps and illustrations, this compilation contains a wealth of lists, including the least densely populated countries, the educational institutions of the Ivy League, bands that played at Woodstock, and even the most annoying clichés, as voted by people in 70 countries.
Título original 1,001 Things You Didn't Know You Wanted to Know
Idioma Inglés
Publicación 2008
Editorial Sterling
Categoría Sociales
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